Here is an example of off beat writing (that I adored!) from the novel Schooling by Heather McCowan.
"... a breeze disturbed your hair my knees buckled. I wanted to be strong I wanted to be thewy God help me have
thews I ran back up the steps I pulled open my bag you looked confused I took the pear my mistake my thumb cut the soft skin
left some meat under my nail I pushed it aside to find what I wanted the driver climbing out to pull us apart I was aware
of the expression I had was severe my eye brows drawn up as if you were going over the edge of a cliff I was throwing you
a rope but all I had was the hankerchief I balled it into your palm you took it you knew what it was you said You Know I said
Yes or maybe I only thought it but I meant to say it I meant to say Yes you are my one hundred."
"You said this isn't much a landscape where's the green and he tried to show you some. You couldn't find it which
might make you a cynic. I'm sorry I'm sorry. I would find it today I would find it now. He wrapped his arms around
you he lifted you up he lifted you up and said One muddle doesn't mean betrayal. "
"Back to the cinema because you love a train station good-bye good-bye. "
"..this was never your fault I made some stupid mistakes it could be I ruined your life it could be I'm a very bad man
I have perhaps I have passions I shouldn't have I hurt you I hurt you I said yes you did but you were the only one who cared
about me you started to cry my knees were all wet you said there are many people who care about you we've all just got fucked-up
ways of showing it..."
"Gilbert steps onto the stage thermos in one hand..."
"On that stool he is her height exactly. Exactly right that she can notice paint on his cheek and sleeve much as
the dirt colored her uniform that time he saved her from nature pulled her from hedges pulls her to his waist the famous muchheld
hip against her hip pointing out something in the painting about truth."