August Dimitri
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What exactly is too many musicals?  And what the heck is wrong with being infatuated with Joni?  Explore this and find out all about that "music of weird old america, How great is that?"  I mean for your benefit if nothing else...
Still to come..The Innocence Mission ("Today"in TG/SA), The Police, Chris Isaak,  (watch his show 'The Chris Isaak Show' on Showtime in US & MuchMoreMusic in Canada- Friday nights to see what I mean. Cause somebody's crying, and they cry for you)...oh a possible hodge-podge of stuff. Song: All i want

Good site for latest Joni info. Art gallery, interviews and more.
Really fun Joni site..Excellent!   Mr.Dimitri is mentioned!! Somebody I don't know who submitted him, see this Once and Again/Dimitri mention here.....
Joni pictures, I found they are pretty rare but here is the best place for them--
Have you given in and bought Heart is Like a Wheel? Here is a fantastic Linda Ronstadt site.  There are polls for your favorite song (HLAW is currently tied for first place!) and much more...

Complete Snuffy Walden interview

Here is my favorite part of the Snuffy Interview....
What is you overall creative philosophy about writing music for film or TV?
My main job is to support the dramatic nature of the film, and to set up an atmosphere of believability and involvement, so that the viewer can get inside his own emotions about what is happening on the screen. If my music takes you out of the film, I've done it wrong.

Ed [Zwick] and Marshall [Herskovitz] [co-producers of "thirtysomething," "Once and Again" plus other shows] taught me this years ago. They forced me to understand film from the screenwriter's point of view: The "arc" of the scene - what the point is. I try to leave enough room in what I'm doing for a person to reflect on their personal experiences and react to a scene. Rather than me telling them, for example, that they're supposed to be sad.

Visit Snuffy's web site and listen to some beautiful music. Mr.Walden and Joey Newman are credited with the background music heard in the Dimitri episodes, so far titled only "background/incendental music"
Mr.Dimitri would recommend ...
Angela Smiled, Love Unspoken and the Once and Again theme.

"The Secret Place" Joni lyrics from Chalk Mark in a Rainstorm (1988)...
I'm going to take you to
My special place
It's a place that you
Like no one else I know
Might appreciate
I don't go there with anyone but
You're a special case
For my special place
For my secret place....

"There are things to confess that enrich the world, and things that need not be said" , joni mitchell.
"Who cares what I meant?  What does it mean to you?", J.M.

If you have the time, this is a wonderful interview with Linda. She talks about Heart is Like A Wheel and more. Here are some excerpts ...

The show ended with Linda soothing the audience with the ballad, "Heart like a Wheel," accompanied only by Gold on the piano. The crowd, up for the last two numbers- "You're No Good" and a razzle-dazzle reading of "Heat Wave"- stayed up and paid attention.

               And it's only love and it's only love
                                                   That can break a human being
                                                   And turn him inside out

Up near the stage, the audience looked like an assembly of kids getting a light scolding; moustache-fingering thoughtful, as if listening to a eulogy.

And then there is this..later in the article. I swear this is an amazing interview!!

They say a pro can handle whatever happens, but the trouble with proness is: You start to get unreal and have fixed lines. To be real like Linda, you almost have to be nervous or embarrassed- or, if someone in the audience is objectionable, you have to dislike them- not necessarily throw her tambourine- but mentally, you have to.

Joni Mitchell suffered from the same things. She's done shows where she's burst into tears and run off. In a sense, they're both in the same situation, of trying to say what they think."

But when it comes to story-telling, Joni wins, even with her giggles. Linda, without the aura and the stance of writer of the songs she sings, can come off like a babbling idiot in comparison. Recently, however, she has learned to edit herself and now her remarks about the songs she sings are illuminating and to the point.

"I knew people thought I was dumb," she said, "and I encouraged it a lot of times, 'cause I would get onstage and be very self-conscious." Offstage, "People would get me in situations and actually try to make me feel dumb . . . Yeah, so they'd have more control over me. Peter and Betsy, I met them in New York five years ago and they were so nice. I always do better on the East Coast, for some reason. People who I met on the East Coast thought I was neat and intelligent. People I met on the West Coast thought I was an idiot who always threw drinks around the Troubadour bar, so it was fortunate I met them on the East Coast. They moved out to Los Angeles and would invite me to parties and Peter was an intelligent person I could talk to and he would talk back to me like a person, not like somebody he wanted to ball, or somebody he thought was silly and could push around. All I needed was somebody to react to me like that."

Peter Asher is a thin, red-headed... shy sort... and a teen idol ten years ago


The complete interview can be found on the Linda web site (see URL above), Look in Article&Interviews Section , this is from Rolling Stone magazine, March27, 1975. 

"Some say the heart is just like a wheel
if you bend it you can't mend it
But my love for you is like a sinking ship
And my heart is on that ship out in midocean"
Heart Like a Wheel ("the official Grace and Dimitri song")