August Dimitri
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Hey! (said enthusiastically)  I will be re-watching all these fabulous episodes (I know, the horror -the horror) and recapping them.  I would like to mention this is my way of honouring Television Without Pity, and Jessie and two brilliant sites with witty recaps. I loved them and you have to admit that there is quite a lot that can be done with Demented Dimitri. aka. Creeptri.
Since one of my missions is to encourage creative expression, please feel free to submit any recaps (or even stories, anecdotes, poems, original material ) you would like to write.. to me, and I will see about putting them up. Interactive is fun right?  Love Dimitri.  It could be fun. 

In the meantime here are a few links to get you started on becoming Dimitrized. Read some fanfiction and find out just why this teacher is so loved. ,the TV SHOW -category Once and Again boasts and awesome 124 stories right now.  I recommend everything marked G/D. There are some really well written stories out there. Dimitri would like the titles too.  (I recommend Bliss by Citron and A Horror Story by Tanya!) And of course check out the GSA recaps!!!   O&A can be found in the Permanent Hiatus section and the recaps are phenomenal (all shows actually have 1st rate funny recaps, so funny it can be touching)  And visit the O&A General Gabbery ... it's where the Dimitri alliance meets and other Oncefans too. Recaps for every O&A episode leading up to the Third season series finale.

It's still pretty cold outside...( the zip!)
I can't believe he did that..sigh

Grace (with her shirt from the Awful Truth & Losing You)

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The Gay/Straight Alliance

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Tv Guide featuring Evan Rachel Wood & Julia Whelan as teens to watch!

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